Thursday, December 31, 2009

Little R and Little S Reflections of 2009

Little S:

Hawo! HaWO! haWOoO!
This year I turned one year old
And every day I get more bold
I learned to fall, then I learned to walk
I learned to scream, then I learned to talk
I learned to eat with a fork and a spoon
I learned the shape and name of the moon
I learned to order Brother around like Dada
I learned to cry louder and louder for Mama
I learned to read some words
I learned to name some birds
I did this usually on the toilet seat
As I sat and played with my feet
I learned to clap and sing
I learned to dance and swing
I learned to cry loud at night
to get Mama to turn on the light
I visited the dentist to fix my sore gums
When I left, I cried and sucked my thumbs
I didn't want to leave because they all liked me
"Oh, she's such a brave little cutie!"
I met Barney at Ontario Place
But didn't get to see his real face
I'm learning to swim with Daddy
Every second Sunday, just him and me
Brother and me love Thomas the train
and looking out at the pouring rain
Next year I'll try to clean and sweep
and not to cry and pee when I sleep
I'll try to ask politely
Instead of pointing forcefully
Dada and Mama will be happier then
I'm ready to learn more in 2010!

Little R:

Hallo. Cookie. Fanfan (rice).
I still enjoy my babbling during the day coupled with my running patterns in the house, but lately I've been enjoying good nights of sleep thanks to Daddy who sits there to control my inner laugh. Things seem so funny sometimes.

I started a nursery school program in January, only to withdraw in May. I spent my summer working hard to learn to look at people, respond to my name, say hi and bye, mand for what I want... I'm still working hard. I can sit down now when you tell me to, but only when I want to acknowledge you ;) My hair has been cut short twice this year. Maybe they'll let me grow it next year longer.

School will start again next week. it's been nice to spend more time with Sister and Mama, but I am looking forward to going back to my new nursery school where there are lots of teachers who understand my special needs. I am learning to articulate and communicate there, and am encouraged by other students who are trying too.

In 2010, I look forward to eating more rice and possibly some organic eggs from free run hens after I get cured of my allergies. I hope to be able to communicate more effectively so that others understand rather than misunderstand my behaviours. I also look forward to music classes and how to play the piano.

Happy New Year, everyone. Live long and prosper! (I learned that from a character named Spock in a Star Trek movie)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays from Little R and Little S

H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !

"See my new masterpiece." -Little R

"Nice! Nice!" -Little S

"No, no! Thomas." Little S takes toy Thomas book from Little R.

"Look at it." -Little S

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Routine... again!

Little R had his 6 month follow-up visit with the developmental paediatrician last Tuesday, at which time she highly suggested that he go to a nursery school in the afternoons. That Friday of the same week, we visited a nursery school for special needs children (all of the children have communication difficulties).

In the first few minutes, I had it in my mind that I was NOT going to let my child attend because he was utterly upset and was frantically trying to escape the room, about the same size as my living room. Most of the children were crying, one head banging, and the room seemed to be filled with sadness and fear. Thankfully, things calmed down, and Little started to explore a bit.

So, this Monday was Little R's first day at his new nursery school. We were not sure how he would respond. The expectation was that he would cry and refuse to go initially, but I had a feeling that he would surprise. I was right: he did not cry at all! Today he completed his first speech therapy session (but with the same CDA) there, and he did very well. We're quite pleased that there is such a place for children who need the attention and special care. Although Little R hasn't eaten lunch for the third day in a row (his choice), he's been happy and cooperative at his new school.

Little S has been very cooperative too by playing by herself or be in the kitchen with Mommy for a lot of the time in the kitchen. I try to prepare lunch, snacks and supper in the morning (this includes cleaning) so that I can spend the rest of the day with the children. In the kitchen she learns about stirring, washing, turning, boiling, cutting, peeling and other food prepping actions. She talks up a storm these days. Usually the most intelligible words are in the beginning or the end of her "phrases." She is learning Mandarin and French through songs, and English from Dr. Seuss :) Her favourite book is "Hop on Pop."